
Bělehradská 1051/17
Nusle, 140 00 Praha 4
ID: 07218834
VAT: CZ07218834



Sokolovská 867/284
Libeň, 190 00 Prague 9
Entrance from U Skládky street

Mon.-Fri. 8:00 - 16:00
Sat.-Sun. by telephone agreement

+420 222 70 30 37


Martin Buček

Photographer, Producer, Co-owner, CEO

Alice Kramerová


Tomáš Polák

Marketing, Co-owner, CEO

Mgr. Karel Dvořák

Lawyer - Tycová | Dvořák

Valerie Bučeková

Tax advisor, accountant

Viktor Vrchota

Graphic designer

Přemysl Adamec

Storyteller | Public Relations

Pavla Kabelková


Milan Kabelka

Photographic installation, Post-processing

Jakub Provazník

Barber, Support

Štěpánka Velíšek

Stylist and make-up artist

Kateřina Housková

Make-up artist

Lea Součková

Production Assistant

Kejtý Müllerová

Production Assistant

Lucka Kramperová

Photographer, Video edit

Marek Lovětínský

Drone video production

Marko Iglić

Photographer, Video production

Jiří Novák

Backstage photographer

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